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Experimental Board 1.2 for Series 1 FPGA Boards

Series 1 FPGA Boards are deprecated. Please switch to Series 2.

The old product page is still available here for documentation purposes.

Table of Contents

Functional description
    External power: CON1 and CON8
    JTAG connector: CON7, JP3 and JP4
    I/O voltages: JP1
    Experimental Board I/O Connector
Compatibility notes

Additional resources

Schematics (PDF)
Eagle Library of the I/O connectors

Development Board / Experimental Board 1.2 for USB-FPGA Boards


  • Baseboard for USB-FPGA Modules 1.2 and 1.11. (For USB-FPGA Modules 1.15 the Experimental Board 1.3 is recommended.)
  • High-efficiency switching regulators to generate the supply voltages
    • 1.2 V @ 2.7 A
    • 2.6 V @ 2.5 A
    • 3.3 V @ 2.5 A
    • Wide input range: 4.5 to 16 V
  • I/O voltages VCCO_IO(=VCCO_RIGHT) and VCCO_TOP can be easily and independently set to 3.3V, 2.6V, 1.2V or to an external voltage. (On Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 VCCO_TOP has no function. The I/O voltage of the pins at rows C,D and F of the I/O Connector is 3.3V.)
  • All I/O Ports available on a standard 2.54 mm (0.1 inch) grid via four 1x23 pin and two 1x16 pin connectors to which Expansion Boards or Breadboards can be connected
  • Downward pin compatible to Experimental Board 1.1
  • JTAG interface for the FPGA


Functional description

The following drawing shows the measurements and the location of the of the described elements.

Technical drawing of the Experimental Board 1.2
Click on the image for a larger version or download the PDF version.

External power: CON1 and CON8

CON1 is a standard DC power jack with 2.1mm center pin (+) diameter and 5.5mm barrel (-) diameter for a supply voltage of 4.5 V to 16 V.

Alternatively CON8 can be used to connect non standard power cables. The ground pin of CON8 (quadratic pad) is marked with "B" and the supply pin (oval pad) is marked with "R", see the images below.

It is also possible to supply the external voltage via the Vin Pin of the Experimental Board I/O Connector described below.

If non-stabilized power supplies are used it must be made sure that the peak voltage is not larger then 18V.

Hints for power supply via USB can be found on the ZTEX Wiki.

JTAG connector: CON7, JP3 and JP4

The pin description of the JTAG connector CON7 reads as follows:

Pin Description
1 +3.3V
2 +2.6V
3 Not connected

The voltage for the I/O signals (TCK,TMS,TDI,TDO) is 2.6V. Pin 2 can be used as supply for these signals. Pin 1 (+3.3V) can be used as supply for the JTAG adapter.

On USB-FPGA Modules 1.2 jumpers JP3 and JP4 can be closed to enforce JTAG configuration mode. But usually this is not required since the JTAG interface is always enabled. On USB-FPGA Modules 1.11 these jumpers have no function.

An appropriate connector set for CON7 is delivered with the Experimental Board.

I/O voltages: JP1

Jumper JP1 sets the I/O VCCO_IO(=VCCO_RIGHT) and VCCO_TOP, respectively. (On Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 V_TOP has no function. The I/O voltage of the pins at rows C,D and F of the I/O Connector is fixed to 3.3V.)

By closing this jumpers (see images below) the I/O voltages can be switched easily to 3.3V, 2.6V or 1.2V. If other I/O voltages are required the jumpers must be left open and the I/O voltage must be supplied via th VIO or VT pins of the Experimental Board I/O Connector, respectively.


Experimental Board I/O Connector

Four 1x23 pin connectors (rows A and B) and two 1x16 PIN (rows C and D) connectors deliver I/O signals and voltages to user circuits. The four 1x23 pin connectors are downward pin compatible with Experimental Board 1.1. The two 1x16 pin connectors contain the additional I/O's introduced with the Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 and the serial interface of the EZ-USB FX2.

The drawing shows the position of the connectors.

The Pinlist and the List of Connections are can be downloaded in Gnumeric or Excel format. The following table is is a short version the these files:

 Experimental Board 1.2  USB-FPGA Boards
Spartan 3
 USB-FPGA Module 1.2 
FPGA pin
Spartan 6
 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 
FPGA pin
Pin Pin name
A1 Vin
A2 3V3
A4 I4 A3 22
A5 T0 B3 23
A6 T1 A4 24
A7 SCL A6 29
A8 SDA B6 30
A9 GND B13
A11 B12 B12 73 B14
A12 A12 A12 74 A14
A13 A13 A13 76 C13
A14 B14 B14 77 D11
A15 A14 A14 78 D12
A16 B15 B15 79 F10
A17 A15 A15 80 E11
A18 B17 B17 82 E10
A19 A17 A17 83 C10
A20 B18 B25 95 F7
A21 A18 A18 85 B12
A22 B19 B19 86 C9
A23 A19 A19 87 A9
A24 B20 B20 89 D8
A25 A20 A20 90 C8
A28 B24 B24 92 C7
A29 A24 A24 93 A7
A30 B25 B18 84 A12
A31 A25 A25 96 E6
A32 B26 B26 97 D6
A33 A26 A26 98 C6
A34 B27 B27 99 B6
A35 A27 A27 100 A6
A36 B28 B28 102 D5
A37 A28 A28 103 C5
A38 B29 B29 104 B5
A39 A29 A29 105 A5
A40 B30 B30 107 C4
A41 A30 A30 108 A4
A43 3V3
A45 2V5
A46 1V2
B1 5V
B2 U5V
B3 3V3
B5 CLK C3 52 R16
B6 I5# C5 84
B7 D8 D8 5 K16
B8 PE7 C9 93
B9 D9 D9 4 L16
B10 PE6 C10 92
B11 D10 D10 2 M16
B12 PE5 C11 91
B13 D11 D11 1 P16
B14 PE4 C12 90
B16 VT
B17 D12 D12 141 P15
B18 PE3 C13 89
B19 D13 D13 140 T15
B20 PE2 C14 88
B21 D14 D14 137 K15
B22 PE1 C15 87
B23 D15 D15 135 R14
B24 PE0 C16 86
B25 D16 D16 132 M13
B26 VT
B28 D17 D17 131 M12
B29 D19 D19 130 T12
B30 D20 D20 129 R9
B31 C20 C20 128 P8
B32 D21 D21 127 N9
B33 C21 C21 125 M9
B34 D22 D22 124 N8
B35 C22 C22 123 T7
B36 D23 D23 122 P7
B37 C23 C23 119 M7
B38 D24 D24 118 P6
B39 C24 C24 116 N6
B40 D25 D25 113 P4
B41 C25 C25 112 M6
B43 3V3
B44 VT
B45 2V5
B46 1V2
C1 T2 B4 25
C2 Tx0 A8 40
C3 Rx0 B8 41
C4 A9 A9 B15
C5 B9 B9 B16
C6 E13 E13 A13
C7 E14 E14 C11
C8 E15 E15 A11
C9 E16 E16 B10
C10 E17 E17 A10
C11 E18 E18 F9
C12 E19 E19 D9
C13 E20 E20 A8
C14 E21 E21 B8
C15 E22 E22 E8
C16 E23 E23 E7
D1 F10 F10 N16
D2 F11 F11 M15
D3 F12 F12 R15
D4 F13 F13 L14
D5 F14 F14 N14
D6 F15 F15 L13
D7 F16 F16 L12
D8 F17 F17 R12
D9 F18 F18 M11
D10 F19 F19 M10
D11 F20 F20 T9
D12 F21 F21 P9
D13 F22 F22 T8
D14 F23 F23 R7
D15 F24 F24 T6
D16 F25 F25 T4


PMOD connectors

PMOD modules can be connected directly to the following positions of the Experimental Board I/O connector:
  • A26 - A31
  • A43 - A38
  • B43 - B38
  • B26 - B31
  • B16 - B11

Compatibility notes

Depending on the application the Experimental Board 1.2 may not deliver enough current for USB-FPGA Modules 1.15. For these Boards the Experimental Board 1.3 is recommended.

Users switching from Experimental Board 1.1 have to consider the following differences:

  1. The Experimental Board 1.2 does not contain serial drivers anymore. The serial port signals form the EZ-USB FX2 are now available on pins C2 to C5 of the Experimental Board I/O Connector
  2. Functions of pins A20 and A30 have been swapped. (Users of USB-FPGA Modules 1.2 have to swap pins 95 and 84 of the FPGA in the ucf file. Users of Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Modules 1.11 have to swap pins F7 and A12 of the FPGA in the ucf file.)



Click on the images for larger versions.

Development Board / Experimental Board 1.2 for USB-FPGA Boards

Development Board / Experimental Board 1.2.

Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 with Experimental Board and two Expansion Boards

Experimental Board with Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 and two Expansion Boards.
The depicted set consists in:

  • 1 × Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 (with pin headers)
  • 1 × Experimental Board 1.2
  • 2 × Expansion Board
  • 4 × 1x23 pin female pin header
  • 4 × 1x23 pin male pin header
Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 with Experimental Board and two Breadboards

Experimental Board with Spartan 6 USB-FPGA Module 1.11 and two Breadboards.
The depicted set consists in:

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